
Selfie 15”x44” 2009 oil on canvas $450


Sail Fish Feeding   24”x26” 2021 acrylic on canvas  SOLD


Nurse Shark, Lionfish, Cowfish and Friends 56"x50" oil on canvas 2008 $3500

The ocean is filled with many fish. The longhorn cowfish is an ancient fish that has existed for many thousands of years before man appeared. It is green with red eyes and two horns on its head. The body is a solid bone, so that locomotion is achieved by rapid sweeps of its tiny fins. Its mouth is perpetually open to move water constantly through its body as it is an extension of its bony body plate and it cannot close it.

The lionfish is fearsome with its spiny poisonous barbs, it eats everything in its way. The nurse shark sleeps peacefully. It is one of the few sharks that can breath without moving constantly. The other sharks must have a constant flow of water though their gills to maintain the level of oxygen they need.


19th Century Reef 58"x44" oil on canvas 2008 SOLD

When our reefs were alive and teeming with so many forms of life.